Driving back from Alabama over Thanksgiving, I tuned in to one of my go-to podcasts and listened to the guest Ashton Forbes discuss the mysterious case of missing Malaysian flight MH370. In case you don’t remember, this is the plane that went missing in March of 2014 and was never recovered, despite the largest most expensive search in human history.
In the episode, Ashton, who by day is a healthcare database architect, kept foreshadowing these two videos that recently resurfaced, building the suspense throughout the episode.
After a lot of exposé and going back and forth with the host, Ashton finally played the videos, and I’m just going to come right out and say it. If you haven’t seen these videos - assuming they are real - they are the craziest things I’ve ever seen in my life.
See for yourself. Video should start at 23:03. (Nothing grotesque or violent)
If you’re anything like me, believing what happens in this video is extremely difficult, especially with no other evidence of their authenticity, with no understanding of the proposed physics and technology involved, and with no supporting evidence of the rest of the narrative that he’s building about what really happened to the plane.
It’s not that they look fake. That’s not what makes them hard to believe. In fact, the videos look very real. That doesn’t mean they’re not fake-able, of course, but there’s nothing about the videos that screams “fake!” except for the sheer fact of the matter.
The plane teleports.1
No one can believe that. No one can look at that and say, yep that’s real, even if it is real. It’s crazy to accept it at face value. So many questions arise, and that’s what the rest of the video above is for.
I’m not going to dive into this whole story in this post, but for those of you who are close to me, you know that I’ve been obsessed with this story for the past 3 or 4 weeks. I’ve been up at night watching Ashton’s live YouTube streams where he appears on podcasts and Twitter Spaces, does research, interacts with the chat, speaks to guests, reviews evidence, and conducts his investigation for all to see.
The video above is a total and complete breakdown of all of the evidence up to this point, starting at around 7:43. Ashton is giving this presentation to a community called MUFON, which is the Mutual UFO Network.
I highly recommend watching the entire presentation that Ashton gives. He goes over every single detail of the case, and every aspect of the two videos. I promise, you’ll come away less certain that it’s fake or impossible.
I know, I know. On the face of it, this is total woo woo, tinfoil hat, fake, UFOlogy bullshit. I’m typically highly allergic and resistant to stuff like this, but the question remains almost ten years later…
What happened to that plane?
Real or fake, these videos are part of the story. Real? The plane fucking “teleported,” and was presumably delivered somewhere. That would change literally everything. Fake? Okay, who faked it, and how, and why? Is it a coverup? A coverup for what? WHERE’S THE PLANE?
I will probably write a full post on this story at some point, but since it’s still developing, and because the content of these videos would be earth shattering if true, I simply don’t know what to say or think.
It’s odd. All my life I’ve imagined what aliens would be like. How would it change our way of life if one of them came here. I’ve always wanted to stare up at the sky and see a real UFO.
But not these. I do not want these to be real.
Interesting. I’ll leave it to you to follow the research and tell is where it leads.